Svetlana Andreeva pianist

Svetlana Andreeva, pianist

Who or what inspired you to pursue a career in music and who or what have been the most
important influences on your musical life and career?

Who – My family, my teachers, and my students.
What – The music itself; the more you engage with it, the deeper your addiction grows until you are a lost cause, a musician.

What have been the greatest challenges of your career so far?

Maintaining a social media presence, which inevitably accompanies the life of an artist, has been – and still is – a significant challenge.

Which performances/recordings are you most proud of?

I prefer to think that my proudest performances and recordings are yet to come. Otherwise, I would have had to stop right now.

Which particular works/composers do you think you perform best?

20th century, Impressionism, Expressionism, up to Neue Musik. I particularly enjoy working with colours, timbres, ambivalent emotions, and fluid structures, sculpting musical material and exploring new means of expression.

What do you do off stage that provides inspiration on stage?

I read books.

How do you make your repertoire choices from season to season?

I make my repertoire choices based on two factors: objective demands and a creative
process inspired by them. I aim to not only build a program that sounds good but also to
infuse it with a concept. The more ideas, hidden allusions, and connections I can include,
the more satisfied I am with my repertoire.

Do you have a favourite concert venue to perform in and why?

I prefer small halls with warm acoustics for their ability to provide the direct and intimate connection to the audience, which I value the most: Small Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, Salle Cortot in Paris.

What do you feel needs to be done to grow classical music’s audiences?

But I don’t feel it needs to be grown! There is a certain nostalgic charm in the art elitism.

What is your most memorable concert experience?

The Morocco tour was the most special and unforgettable adventure for me in every
aspect – a very sensitive audience, sometimes too shy to even applaud, but open to new
experiences, including modern music, which is not always easy to apprehend.

As a musician, what is your definition of success?

The definition of success is far beyond my expertise. As a musician, I’m focused on making music and think about success as little as you can imagine.

What advice would you give to young/aspiring musicians?

Be exceptionally honest and sincere in what you’re doing, especially if it is music.

What’s the one thing in the music industry we’re not talking about which you think we should be?

I have a feeling that we talk too much already!

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

When what is needed to be done – is done.

Pianist Svetlana Andreeva appears on AIR (released 3 May) which showcases two contemporary creations by Christian Schittenhelm, and features the Royal Scottish National Orchestra, led by Sergey Neller.

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